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Wrinkle Relaxing Injections


Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

An injectable treatment designed to temporarily reduce and soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles giving you a relaxed and refreshed appearance.  A completely natural look can be achieved with botulinum toxin type a and is an ideal treatment for the improvement of expression lines, also known as dynamic wrinkles, on your upper face and around your eyes.

What is botox?     

Botulinum toxin type a, is the drugs proper name and is most commonly known as botox which is a recognised brand name.  There are several other well-known wrinkle relaxing botulinum toxins available such as bocouture and azzalure however for the purpose of this description we will relate to botulinum toxin type a as botox which is what most people know it as.

Botox is a neurotoxin derived from the bacteria clostridium botulinum which temporarily blocks the nerve signal that tells the muscle to contract - it does this by binding to nerve terminals controlling muscle contraction.  The effect of botox lasts until the drug is dispersed by the body and the muscles recover their normal function which happens over a few months.  Botox helps smooth out dynamic wrinkles that are caused by muscle contraction and helps improve superficial static lines as well.

Your consultation  


You will receive an initial face-to-face consultation with your practitioner who will take a detailed medical history and listen to your specific skin goals to determine a treatment plan suitable for you.  Photographs will be taken prior to any treatment to create your own skin journey portfolio.

Your treatment and results  


Following facial assessment your practitioner will administer the botox by injection into the appropriate facial muscles.  The treatment time is short and you will experience little to no discomfort during your treatment as we use a very thin needle to administer the botox.  It takes a few days before you start to see the effects of botox and up to 2 weeks before you can see the full effects of the treatment with a noticeable reduction in movement and relaxation of dynamic lines.  We will offer you a review appointment 2 weeks after your treatment and if necessary, an adjustment to treatment can be done at that time.

For more information or enquire about our free skin consultation, click here to contact us and one of our staff will be in touch.

Click here for all our treatments and service prices at KAM

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